Tuesday, 29 December 2009


pooooor jimmy...

Three Shrimps

I saw three shrimps come sailing in, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
I saw three shrimps come sailing in, on Christmas Day in the moooooooooooorrrrrrrnnniiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnng!!!

Saturday, 12 December 2009


I am UNSTUCK on Burning Star, thanks to Jestar & Sam! *takes hat off, and bows to Jestar and Sam* THANKS, GUYS!!! :)

Friday, 11 December 2009

Sam's Amazing Story

My friend wrote this amazing story that I love, so here it it in case you haven't read it:

Arnold- The Lost Wizard
Hey. My name is Arnold Potter. You've never heard of me have you?? I didn't think so. Well, I'm Harry's older brother. You still don't know who I am, do you? Why am I not surprised?? NOBODY knows who I am, even though I was born first. Ever since Harry got that stupid scar on his forehead, it's like I don't exist! Harry's not the only wizard around here y'know!! In fact, I'm a better wizard than he will everbe! And you still don't know who am! Ugh! Why am I even talking to you!? I'm going to go find someone who knows me..o wait, NO ONE knows me! It's like I'm invisible! Again. Harry's not the only one who does magic! And he's not all he's cracked up to be!!!

This is what T.V. has done to the innocent animals of the world...


My profile says I'm male!! I'm not male!!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


Sneak up very slowly and sneakily...then, you POUNCE!!!

I'm Related To...

I found this brochure of the Scottish Clan I am, Gordon, and I found some of the surnames that also belong to my clan, so therefore, I am related, however distantly, to:

Amos Mallett
Daniel Gardner
Edward Cullen
Mr. Moore


Tuesday, 8 December 2009


it's watching you...


I am writing an essay about prejudice from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Yep.


I'm so tired of school. At the beginning of the year, I hated it too, because one of my closest friends left my school and I was terribly depressed about it until about September. Then, slowly, I began to like school again and come to enjoy it, instead of dreading it each day as I once had. But now, one of my other old friends Zebra has come back, and I don't want her there. She just complicated my life and threw my fragile peace with life out of whack, and she can't understand that I don't want to hang out with her. So...

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


yay i finally have my own blog where i can just....talk. yay. SOOOOOOOOOO......TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK !!!!! haha! i'm hyper...