Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Off to the G's
I am nearly ready to leave to go to the G's house for the viewing of THE LAST AIRBENDER at midnight tonight. Today, in celebration of this event, we are going to watch ALL of the Avatar episodes all day long and think with dread about how Dev Patel is going to pull of Zuko when he has no scar :( So...hopefully I will see you all tomorrow. If not - if I don't survive - Sam can have my bird and Jestar can have all the neighbourhood cats that don't get any attention from their real families :)
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
Editing Update :)

Weeeeeeeellll...editing's going....slowly ;) We're on page 163 out of 601...we got a ways to go :) Hopefully the book will be done by my birthday and we can send it to Kate (the agent I want) and get it into the publishing world SOON! Please pray for me, Mom, and my dear little book as we continue editing :)
Friday, 25 June 2010
Jimmy Kimmel's Total Eclipse of the Heart

So on Wednesday I see that there's going to be a special on the new Twilight movie, Eclipse. Now I know you all absolutely hate Twilight and Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner and all, but just bear with me. I was interested and decided to watch it. Taylor and Kristen and Robert came out first and they talked about Taylor and Kristen's adventures in Hong Kong for the Eclipse tour. Apparently Taylor is terrified of sharks. So what do they do? Go swimming with sharks. :D Another thing I didn't know is that Robert Pattinson is British. I was not aware that he was faking his American accent, even though he does always look constipated ;) Then they showed some clips from the movie and I thought the visual effects and makeup and everything looked pretty good. Then they interrupted some people in a movie theater across the street who were screening Eclipse, and naturally, they all went crazy when they saw Kristen, Taylor, and Robert LIVE on the movie screen! :)) Next they brought out some more of the cast members, shown in picture (left to right top row: Bryce, Xavier, Peter. left to right bottom row: Dakota, Taylor, Kristen, Rob) and Peter Facinelli was going on about how Carlisle (his character) was so compassionate and how everytime he ripped off a vampire's head in the fight scenes he had to apologize and how they should make a comic strip about a super hero called CompassionMan :D So all in all, I quite liked the program, even though I don't like Twilight :)
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Jacob and Edward - Coincidence?
Today before I went to the Town of Tinsel with Sam and Jestar, I went to PetsMart. They had cats and kittens for adoption, and there was a beautiful, gorgeous white and ginger kitten with blue eyes named Jacob. He was very, VERY playful and rolled over and hit the little cloth ball in his cage a lot. Then in a cage not far away, there was a pale, cream coloured (vampire-coloured?) kitten named Edward who just kinda sat there and stared at you. He was adorable too, but I just thought it was so funny that the Jacob kitten was all playful and the Edward kitten was refined and calm. Ca-reeepy! ;)
Monday, 21 June 2010
Karate Kid
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
One) You do realize that the book in the picture is written in Spanish, right?
Two) have you picked a day to go to Salado?
Two) have you picked a day to go to Salado?
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Nikki's B-day - The Results

Oh my goodness; Nikki's birthday was AMAZINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! :D First, my mum took me to their house and I met Dakota and Texas, the two stray cats who have been hanging around lately. I WANT Dakota; she is precious! She's a real young cat, probably 3 months old, and is black with yellow eyes. Mrs. G even said I might could have her if Dad agrees!!! :D :D Then I went inside the G's house and played Howrse online for a while with Ca-Jess, Nikki, and Morgan A. That was pretty boring. Then we went outside to leave, but the car wouldn't start. We were stuck there for another 30 minutes *epic sigh* Finally Mrs. G got it working and we left. Morgan A. was singing all the way there very annoyingly and Nikki and Jewelea resorted to whacking her with a pillow to make her shut up. :) We got to the lake after a while and met up with Miss Priss, Pressy, Annasophie, her cousin Joyful, Mr. G, and Pawpaw G. We swam around for a little bit and then got in the boat. We headed out with the tube. Nikki and Ca-Jess went first and failed epically (they fell off going over the wake :) ) Everyone else, including Miss Annasophie and Joyful went, but I was still unsure. But Nikki persuaded me to go, so after taking my contacts out, I went with her. I was sitting on the front of the tube facing the back of the boat and Nikki's back was against mine, her facing behind me. Pawpaw G. went crazy on the turns (he was having way too much fun on our turn) and yet, Nikki and I still did not flip over. It was A-mazing! :D Then as we went back to the cove and Pawpaw G. slowed down, my feet caught on the water and we flipped. *epic sigh* But it was awesome anyway. :) Then K.Lee came and Miss Priss got on the boat with us. K.Lee went tubing a few times with Nikki, failing epically both times, and then Miss Priss and I went. We did fall off going over the wake this time :((
Later Nikki and Miss Priss went skiing. I was definitely NOT going skiing, so I just watched in the boat. Ca-Jess tried to ski, but couldn't get up on the skiis, and her ankle was hurting, so she stopped after 2 tries. Then Annasophie went. She got up on the skiis and stayed on throughout a loop of a big portion of the lake! It was A-mazing! :O
Then we had to drive back to pick up Maddy, another friend of Nikki's. I stayed this time with Ca-Jess, Miss Priss, Jewelea, and Pressy at the cove and we swam around and stuff. Pressy was my chaffeur (he pulled me around on the inner tube) until Jewelea climbed into the tube too and made it capsize. :( Then Jewelea's inflatable whale got stuck in the bracken on the shore and we had to do a massive rescue. (The whale is now recovering in ICU ;) )
After that, it was time to leave, so Pressy and Mrs. G and I went home and I saw Dakota again before leaving. So, like I said, Nikki's party was A-mazingly AWESOME!!!!! :D :D
Random Excerpt From Editing Session #8
Mum and I were editing this yesterday and thought I'd post some of it :)
I said quietly, “Neither of us should be here.”
“Veryan should be.” Yaron muttered. “He deserves every hardship that befalls him.”
I started to admonish him, but then stopped myself. I had just spoken out in frustration a moment ago, so I carefully considered what to say before I began. Then I said softly, “Perhaps, but I wouldn’t know. I don’t know anything about him, so I’m not going to judge him. Not yet.”
“Are you going to judge me?” Yaron asked sardonically, his face still hidden from my view.
I hesitated. “No, Yaron. I’m not going to judge anyone, least of all you. To form an opinion of people without knowing all the facts would be to elevate myself above everyone else, and I won’t do that. I don’t know everything that has happened, therefore I could not be an accurate and fair judge.”
Yaron turned to look at me, his eyes watching me with incredulity. I looked back at him for a moment and then lowered my eyes, uncomfortable under his gaze. “So how then can you say that we don’t deserve to be here, since you said yourself you don’t know everything? Could there not be a reason that we are locked in this god-forsaken prison?”
I shrugged, feeling like I was under attack. “I suppose there could be a reason, but…I don’t know what it is.”
Yaron snorted. “Of course you don’t. No one knows the reasons for things that happen to us until they are in the past and sometimes not even then. I suppose…everything is linked; everything is either the cause or effect of something else…but it’s only once we are wise enough to take a step back that we can see the whole grand tapestry.”
I smiled. “Yes, I suppose so.”
Yaron let out a long sigh. “It’s going to be a long time before I’ll be able to see all of it. Right now…I can’t even see the purpose for today.”
“You’ll be able to, with time,” I reassured him. “It takes a lifetime for many to find the purpose for their life. And as for today’s purpose…it may have some small significance that will be impossible to see for a long time. Who knows?”
Yaron looked at me again, brown eyes thoughtful. For a long time, he was silent, just looking at me, and me at him. Finally, he asked, “What about you? Why do you think you’ve been captured and locked up in here?”
I moved my eyes to study the floor, not wanting to hear about what awaited me in the coming months. “I don’t know, Yaron…”
“Well, it must be something important and impressive, if you’ve got to go through all that first,” he commented, and, despite myself, I laughed. “I dearly hope so,” I said.
We were silent for a long time then, each mulling over our own thoughts. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Yaron spoke again: “I know there’s a point to what happened to me…my parents getting killed and my imprisonment and all, but…for the life of me, I can’t imagine what good could come out it…” He looked over at me as if seeking my advice.
I said softly, “Like I said…it will probably be many years before we will be able to see the tapestry that will be woven from the tangled threads of our lives. Just be confident that something good will come from the bad.”
Yaron was about to respond when we both heard light footsteps from the stairs.
I said quietly, “Neither of us should be here.”
“Veryan should be.” Yaron muttered. “He deserves every hardship that befalls him.”
I started to admonish him, but then stopped myself. I had just spoken out in frustration a moment ago, so I carefully considered what to say before I began. Then I said softly, “Perhaps, but I wouldn’t know. I don’t know anything about him, so I’m not going to judge him. Not yet.”
“Are you going to judge me?” Yaron asked sardonically, his face still hidden from my view.
I hesitated. “No, Yaron. I’m not going to judge anyone, least of all you. To form an opinion of people without knowing all the facts would be to elevate myself above everyone else, and I won’t do that. I don’t know everything that has happened, therefore I could not be an accurate and fair judge.”
Yaron turned to look at me, his eyes watching me with incredulity. I looked back at him for a moment and then lowered my eyes, uncomfortable under his gaze. “So how then can you say that we don’t deserve to be here, since you said yourself you don’t know everything? Could there not be a reason that we are locked in this god-forsaken prison?”
I shrugged, feeling like I was under attack. “I suppose there could be a reason, but…I don’t know what it is.”
Yaron snorted. “Of course you don’t. No one knows the reasons for things that happen to us until they are in the past and sometimes not even then. I suppose…everything is linked; everything is either the cause or effect of something else…but it’s only once we are wise enough to take a step back that we can see the whole grand tapestry.”
I smiled. “Yes, I suppose so.”
Yaron let out a long sigh. “It’s going to be a long time before I’ll be able to see all of it. Right now…I can’t even see the purpose for today.”
“You’ll be able to, with time,” I reassured him. “It takes a lifetime for many to find the purpose for their life. And as for today’s purpose…it may have some small significance that will be impossible to see for a long time. Who knows?”
Yaron looked at me again, brown eyes thoughtful. For a long time, he was silent, just looking at me, and me at him. Finally, he asked, “What about you? Why do you think you’ve been captured and locked up in here?”
I moved my eyes to study the floor, not wanting to hear about what awaited me in the coming months. “I don’t know, Yaron…”
“Well, it must be something important and impressive, if you’ve got to go through all that first,” he commented, and, despite myself, I laughed. “I dearly hope so,” I said.
We were silent for a long time then, each mulling over our own thoughts. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Yaron spoke again: “I know there’s a point to what happened to me…my parents getting killed and my imprisonment and all, but…for the life of me, I can’t imagine what good could come out it…” He looked over at me as if seeking my advice.
I said softly, “Like I said…it will probably be many years before we will be able to see the tapestry that will be woven from the tangled threads of our lives. Just be confident that something good will come from the bad.”
Yaron was about to respond when we both heard light footsteps from the stairs.
Nikki's B-day

Hola friends! I'm off to Nikki's 13th birthday on the Lake of the Town of George! :D Angel is going to be there, and Miss Priss but other than that, I don't know who's going. :( I wish you all could cooooooooome! Invisi, I promise you, I will fail epically on the water skiis and tubes like those guys did at the barge party! :D Since I am not allowed to take my new camera to the Lake of the Town of George ( :( ) I won't have any pic-a-tures for you. But I will tell you aaaaaalllll about it when I get back :)
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Historian Stuff
Hey guys! I've started all of my historian folders for the next four years. You each have a folder with three catergories (unless you're not coming back): summer 2010, school 2010, and miscellaneous. So if you guys could send me lots and lots of summer pictures that would be great! :D Thanks!
Friday, 11 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
This is a universal comment to all posts that mention leaving the Woods of Brent.
I guess it's true when they say that you never realize what great and beautiful friends you are lucky to have until they're gone. This is directed at all who I've talked to, hung around, or just flat out annoyed over the years, who are leaving the Woods of Brent. All that I've gone to movies with, all who let me draw on them, all who shared their orange-cracker-thingy-whatsits with me, and so on. If I've ever considered you a friend, and you are reading this right now (or if your sister is reading it out to you YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!), I now realize that I am lucky to have you and I wish you the best of luck in the years to come......(I never realized I could be this sentimental, did you?) Oh, and for those of you who are leaving, I AM CALLING YOU OR TEXTING YOU OR EMAILING YOU OR ALL OF THE ABOVE EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I guess it's true when they say that you never realize what great and beautiful friends you are lucky to have until they're gone. This is directed at all who I've talked to, hung around, or just flat out annoyed over the years, who are leaving the Woods of Brent. All that I've gone to movies with, all who let me draw on them, all who shared their orange-cracker-thingy-whatsits with me, and so on. If I've ever considered you a friend, and you are reading this right now (or if your sister is reading it out to you YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!), I now realize that I am lucky to have you and I wish you the best of luck in the years to come......(I never realized I could be this sentimental, did you?) Oh, and for those of you who are leaving, I AM CALLING YOU OR TEXTING YOU OR EMAILING YOU OR ALL OF THE ABOVE EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Friday, 4 June 2010
The unnamed post
There are muchos new posts on simply sam and toggles tales for all who are interested!
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Finals Grades!
I just checked on the Web of Rens to see my grades for finals, and I am astounded at two of them!
IPC Physics - 100
English - 96
US History - 100
Pre-Algebra - 85
I was absolutely sure I flunked the Pre-Algebra one, but I yam very very happy with an 85! :D And how the heck did I get a 100 in Physics and History????? Ca-reeeeeeeeeeeeepy.............;)
IPC Physics - 100
English - 96
US History - 100
Pre-Algebra - 85
I was absolutely sure I flunked the Pre-Algebra one, but I yam very very happy with an 85! :D And how the heck did I get a 100 in Physics and History????? Ca-reeeeeeeeeeeeepy.............;)
Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Tomorrow...I graduate. Tomorrow, I leave behind junior high and all its worries, triumphs, and bittersweet memories. Tomorrow, I say goodbye to some very dear, wonderful friends whom I probably won't see again much, if at all...and tomorrow, I begin another step in becoming the writer God has ordained me to be. Tomorrow, I take another step in claiming that glorious work He has given me to do...Am I strong enough? Prepared? Brave? Only time will tell. The closing of this chapter in my life fills me with dread; do I really want to move on? Tomorrow, I will leave behind everything safe, known, and beloved. Only God can see me through, for on my own, I know I am not strong enough. So as the sun sets on my childhood, I want you all to remember that no matter what happens, we will face it together. I love you all, every one of you, and you are the most wonderful, beautiful, precious friends I could have ever hoped to be blessed with, and I could not be more grateful for the memories you have given me. So tomorrow, let's see what God has in store for us. For I know it will be something magnificent and beautiful; it's just the getting there that may be hard. :)
My non-rhyming poem :D
The sky is a dark blue-grey,
Clouds are swollen with the weight of their stored cargo,
Silence hangs in the air like a forgotten coat on a hook,
Tension crackles through the air like lightning,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
Minutes pass me by without a second glance,
Paying me no mind; not caring that I need this storm,
To calm the storm within me,
One that is so convoluted and tangled that it threatens to consume me,
The sound of my soft breathing splits the silence,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
There! A raindrop! A tiny, silver sliver of Heaven, a tear of God, a precious diamond,
Thunder splits the sky in half, ripping through it like the claws of some massive cat,
The tension breaks in a moment; gone is the stiff, warm silence,
Broken forever by the need of my aching soul,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
Rain pours down over my outstretched, reaching arms,
Soft pinpricks of heavenly liquid trickle down over my skin,
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, breathe for the first time,
I can smell the wet air, the leaking clouds, the dripping grass;
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
The sky is a dark blue-grey,
Clouds are swollen with the weight of their stored cargo,
Silence hangs in the air like a forgotten coat on a hook,
Tension crackles through the air like lightning,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
Minutes pass me by without a second glance,
Paying me no mind; not caring that I need this storm,
To calm the storm within me,
One that is so convoluted and tangled that it threatens to consume me,
The sound of my soft breathing splits the silence,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
There! A raindrop! A tiny, silver sliver of Heaven, a tear of God, a precious diamond,
Thunder splits the sky in half, ripping through it like the claws of some massive cat,
The tension breaks in a moment; gone is the stiff, warm silence,
Broken forever by the need of my aching soul,
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
Rain pours down over my outstretched, reaching arms,
Soft pinpricks of heavenly liquid trickle down over my skin,
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, breathe for the first time,
I can smell the wet air, the leaking clouds, the dripping grass;
I stand on the edge of the storm,
Frozen in time,
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
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