Friday, 29 July 2011


Why is no one commenting on my blog, or posting, or clicking the reactions except Sam (and she only does it occasionally!)? Annasophie, Jestar, Invisigirl - why have you abandoned my blog? *sad face* I'm still posting and all that...Please come baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!! :(

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Skandie's Schedule

For all my friends who also attend the Woods, here's my schedule for the upcoming year. Enjoy! ;)

Period 1 - Chemistry
Period 2 - Speech
Period 2.5 - Bible
Period 3 - English
Period 4 - Spanish II
Period 5 (A Day) - Theatre Production
Period 5 (B Day) - Aide
Period 6 - Lunch!
Period 7 - Geometry
Period 8 - P.E. 

My locker is the junior high hallway...Why did we get kicked back into their hallway? Oh yeah - because now we're gonna have 6th graders crammed into the high school building too! *wail* It was already too crowded!! Meh. So anyway, if you have any classes with me at all....TELL ME!! :) Sam, we need to check with Nikki and Snickerz to see if we have any classes with them, too...actually, you probably won't, but ya never know. I saved you a locker next to mine! And it's only two down from the new guy, Powers. That should be interesting. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Now on Facebook!

I now have a page for Young Falcon on Facebook, which you can follow along with this blog. Here's the link: Please visit and like!! :)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Darkwoods by Marta Stahlfeld

There's another young author being published by Sheryn Hara, and she's a seventeen-year-old Christian named Marta Stahlfeld. Ms. Hara sent me a copy of Marta's book, Darkwoods, and I just received it. Here's a summary for those of you who are interested:

The death of the foxes' ruling oracle, Scythe, bodes ill for the Wraith Mice around Darkwoods and their allies near and far. With the change in leadership, all sides know their uncertain relationship with the foxes will, too soon, erupt into a vicious war. Possessing the ability to melt into the darkness and renowned in warfare, the Wraith Mice rally the squirrel tribes, Ranger Mice, and others to defend their territory--and their very lives. A young one among them, Princess Zuryzel understands the gravity of the situation and rises fearlessly to the challenges of the ruthless invaders. Possessing the traits of a natural leader and wise beyond her years, Zuryzel knows she must follow the difficult path before her. But can she overcome the challenges in time to defeat the hated foxes?

To read a sample of Darkwoods, you can click here. You can visit Marta's Facebook page:!/DarkwoodsBooks or her blog:
   I'll post a review of Darkwoods once I read it; I look forward to reading this book, and I encourage you to read it as well!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

And So It Begins!

All right, we wrapped up the final family meeting before giving the go-ahead to Sheryn Hara, and literally less than a minute after Mum and I went to go compose an email to her, she called! It was really freaky. She asked us if we had any more questions, and so Mum was able to give her all the questions she and Dad had left, and Ms. Hara answered them all over the phone. My brother and I listened nearby. They talked for a little while, and so now all we need to do is deposit the initial payment for the editing, cover design, and layout - which will be done tomorrow. And begins! The official publishing process will commence tomorrow, July 11, 2011!!! 
      Today = best day ever :)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Almost There!

Just heard back from Ms. Hara, my publisher! Thank goodness - and God! I was getting pretty antsy there :) The only sad thing was that I'm not close enough to Bothell, Washington to work with her two other young writers who are doing a presentation called Teens Writing Novels in the Northwest Book Fest 2011. So bummed! I really, REALLY want to meet them someday, and hopefully, I'll get to work with them on some more projects. It would be so fun to have some friends who were also authors!
     Basically, Ms. Hara and her team are ready to start working on Young Falcon the moment Dad gives the go-ahead - which I hope will be soon. It's just all the preliminary questions that are weighing us down, but I think we're just about to get them all cleared up. Ms. Hara said that the holiday season is - obviously - the best time to sell books, so my book is going to be completed by then, at least. She just answered some of my dad's questions about shipping, distribution, eBooks, etc. 
      It's almost time!! Pray for me, guys! :)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Hey Sam!

My Andrew Lee Potts vs. Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter story has gotten 7 pageviews in the past week! Good job on picking some popular contestants for the Bunny Fights! ;)

Casey Anthony Trial

Ok, I know everyone's talking about it, so I will too. Honestly, I'm glad Ms. Anthony didn't have to die, for two reasons. 1) She's a human being. She has a soul that God made, and I will never willingly or gladly agree with the death of a human. 2) I've heard dozens of stories about criminals who have found God whilst in jail or after they've been freed, and I pray that Ms. Anthony will find Him too. No soul in irredeemable! What she did was wrong and terrible, yes, but she's still a child of God and therefore I want to see her in Heaven when the Lord takes us home. However, I do think that she should have received a slightly harsher punishment, even if only a few more years in prison. While there was no solid, 100% proof that she killed Caylee, I don't know who else would have. Like Linda Drane Burdick said in the closing arguments, Whose life would have been better without Caylee? I just don't know, but I trust that this is what God has allowed to happen, for whatever reason, and I know, therefore, that He still has a purpose for Casey Anthony. Just remember - Casey is a child of God. He made her, and He doesn't love her any less for what she did! Little Caylee is in Heaven with Him, and He will care for her. Pray for Casey, friends; pray that she finds her way home to her loving Father!

Saturday, 2 July 2011


I wrote this post from my new iPod Touch. Just thought you'd like to know. :)