Saturday, 20 August 2011

School and Book

Well, yesterday  was my fourth day back at school...It's been great to see all of my amazing friends again, but I feel like I've already been back for five months! And having to run four laps around the soccer field in the 104 degree, breezeless Texas heat didn't help much either ;) It's good to be back, though; this year should be good :) 
    On another note, I just sent Laura (my cover designer) my approval of the final cover proof, and it looks pretty awesome, if I do say so myself ;) Can't wait to actually hold it in a few months! I feel like my kid's about to be born or something...Awkward illustration, I know, but hey, that's what it feels like! ;) Haha! I also had to choose between two amazing chapter graphics. The first was really epic and sorta flowery, which might not appeal to the male population, and the second was a lot simpler but still sort of elegant and gritty, which goes well with my book. I think it'll work better with the subsequent books. 
     Ahhhhhh!!! I'm getting so close!!!! God is so amazing and powerful and awesome, and I'm SO GLAD He blessed me with this writing ability and is giving me this life-changing opportunity to glorify Him through my writing. Please keep praying for me as we wrap up this publishing process! God bless y'all!!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Only One More Day of Summer...UGH!!!

We go back to the Woods on the 16th...bleck. Summer went by tooooooooo fast! Usually at this time, I totally can't wait to go back, but for some reason, this year I really don't want to go back to school. I don't know why. But I am excited because Jestar is returning to the Woods! Yay! The Dysfunctional Family reclaims one of its lost brothers! But we lost Annasophie.... *epic, depressed sigh* Well, this year should be interesting, at any rate. :) 
    Now. What to do tomorrow...

The Lake - Results

The lake was awesome!!!!! Whooooo! I love water so much! :D 
   Nikki and Prissy and I played MASH on my iPod on the way to the lake, and we came up with some very...interesting results....But it was really funny! We arrived at the condo and had a ton of trouble with the lock....turns out we had the wrong combination! Ahaha, of course we did...We were probably out there for fifteen or twenty minutes. We went swimming in the lake and then to dinner at a tasty little restaurant down the road. Then we went swimming again later that night and met this teenage guy named Raymond, from Round Rock. He was really awesome and hung out with us for a while. He made our night a lot of fun, as we jumped around on the dock and the giant SplashZone inner tube. We didn't see him again after that night, though. 
     Yesterday, we swam a lot and came up with the idea of rewriting the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender so that Zuko and Katara get together (muahahahahaha!!!) as Nikki, Prissy, and I are avid Zutara fans :) We came up with several new episode ideas, and if I ever get around to writing them, I may post them on here just for fun :) That was a lot of fun; we also made Prissy and Nikki into mermaids....very fat mermaids, haha! There had to be a lot of sand, so it made them look fat (they're not, by the way ;) ) We also fed Frosted Mini Wheats to Rufus, who reappeared. We herded the poor little guy (he's a duck, by the way, if you don't know who Rufus is) to the shore and I ran to get something to feed him while Nikki and Prissy kept him there. I think by the end of his meal, he decided that captivity wasn't so bad :) We also failed at playing volleyball....but I won't go into that ;)
     Today, we just swam again and talked about our stories. Prissy's writing one (visit her blog by clicking here) and so is Nikki, so we discussed different ideas and thoughts about them. That was fun! And then we cleaned the condo and headed home. All in all, an amazingly awesome adventure! :D

Friday, 12 August 2011

Oh, Cover...

Still working on that darn cover...It's looking good so far, but the font for the title and my name is turning out to be a problem. Should it be gold or black? Fancy or simple? Bold or regular? Ugh! I couldn't even use my favourite font of all time, Killigraphy, because it doesn't stand out enough :( I understand why I can't use it, but that still makes me sad. Oh well; we'll find one even better :)
     I really like the girl I found to represent Elysia! She's awesome, and I doubt we could have found anyone much better. So happy with her! :D There's still kinda the problem with subsequent covers, of course, but for now, everything's working out. Keep praying for me and my book!! :)

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Hamilton Pool

Is SO awesome!! One of the most beautiful places around! Dad took me out there around 9:30, and I met up with N.G. and PG13 once there. We hiked down to the Pool, whereupon I was greeted by J.G. and P.G. I also noticed a ninth grade guy from my school, M.S., in the water, which surprised me, and then I also saw E.H., another guy from my school! Wow, that's weird, I was thinking. But once we got in the water, who should pop up but T.C. (Snickerz)! Right in front of me! And he yells, "BETH!!!" and hugs me; so random! :D Had absolutely no idea he was gonna be there! It turns out that he and the other guys were part of P.G.'s Scouts troop, and that's why they were there. It was so awesome to see them all! We swam over to the deep end of the pool for a while and climbed on the big rocks and tossed the football. PG13, P.G., and I hunted for fish for a while, and then went to eat lunch. Once back in the water, N.G. and T.C. went off to catch minnows, and PG13 and I took one of the noodles out to the deep end and discussed....Zutara (the pairing of Zuko and Katara in the show Avatar: The Last Airbender)! Zutara SO should have happened!! And we talked about the new series, The Legend of Korra, which is due to come out this November :D And then we hiked around the rocks again and then went home. It was SO FUN!! But now we only have 10 days left until school starts...which is both good and bad: good 'cause I wanna see all my buddies again, but bad because I don't like any of the classes I have to take. Meh. Oh well, the epicness of my friends shall overcome the non-epicness of my classes :) 

(Btw, the post below this one should have been posted yesterday.)


Got back from M.D.'s sleepover at around 1; it was so much fun! When we first got there, we went out to her living room and picked out flip flops that she had bought us, and there were cut up strips of bandanas that we could tie to the straps of the shoes. My shoes are pink/green with purple bandanas :D Then we decorated her cake, which started out as a plain iced chocolate cake and ended up with a tennis court of M&Ms, a pool of M&Ms, giant cherry gummies, 'planking' gummy bears, a gummy bear grave, and some other strange things. It looked absolutely terrible, but it tasted really good! Then we waited until N.G. (who had volleyball practise) got there, and then we watched Soul Surfer and ate the cake and popcorn. After the movie, we up to M.D.'s room and got ready for bed, whereupon we played 'Would You Rather...?' and then went to sleep. It was SO HOT in there!!! There were 9 girls all in one room, and I had this real thick sleeping bag that made it really hot even with the ceiling fan on. It was also kinda hard to be comfortable, 'cause another girl's head was just like a foot away from my feet, so I couldn't move around too much, which I usually do before I go to sleep.  When we woke up, we ate breakfast, took pictures of us jumping, and then went home. 'Twas very fun! And then tomorrow, the Gs invited me to go to Hamilton Pool with them, and I can't wait to go back! There's a picture of it up there somewhere :) It's so beautiful!! I'm making it the hideout of two very important fugitives in the third book, and I should be writing about it fairly soon; can't wait! :D