Thursday, 29 December 2011

Book Three is (Most Likely) Finished!

I finished my additions to the ending of Book Three last night, and while I might add a little bit more, I think it's about finished. Without any more additions, it's 411 computer pages (yay for long books!), and that would be around 462 book pages. It's so epic!!! I love Book Three; it's totally my favourite :D Hope everyone is enjoying Young Falcon, and if you enjoyed it, please post a review on the B&N or Amazon site! Thanks!! :)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Now Available on iTunes!

Young Falcon is (finally) available in eBook format! Yay!! It's on iTunes for $9.99. And if you'd like to review my book, just let me know, and I'll be happy to post it for you (if you're having problems posting it, as some seem to be)! If not, you can, of course, post it yourself ;) Enjoy!! :D

Monday, 19 December 2011

Number One!

On the Arboretum B&N Young Adult Bestsellers list, Young Falcon is number one!! :D Meaning, yes, I did beat out Christopher Paolini, Suzanne Collins, and Rick Riordan. God is amazing :D Check out the list here (it's near the bottom)

AHHHHHH!!! That's so awesome!!! Praise God that people are so supportive of my book!! :D

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Now Available on the B&N Website!

Young Falcon is now available for purchase on the Barnes and Noble website for a reduced price of $13.64! If you're interested in getting a copy, you can either visit or Barnesand to get one! If you're a teen 14+ or the parent/grandparent of a teen 14+, you might want to take a look at this book; it'd make a great Christmas gift! It's full of action, adventure, suspense, and excitement! Click here to read a full summary!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Now Available on Amazon

My first novel, Young Falcon, is now available on! It's a young adult fantasy family saga that's sure to be an enjoyable read for teens 14 and up! If you'd like to know more, read the post below this one or visit; books are $18.95, and the eBook version is currently being crafted and will be available for purchase on Kindles and Nooks soon :)

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Results of My First Book Signing!

Whew! What an amazing two days!! In all, I sold 146 books (and 6 more people have already reserved a copy but were unable to buy them today because I sold out)! So of the $2,880 I made, I get to keep $1,740 of it, which is a good chunk of the money it's going to take to pay for Young Falcon's printing! God is so good!! Many of the people who bought my book were complete strangers, and even some of the people from my dentist's office and my church came. Ahhhh!!! I'm only two days into this job and I'm already in love with it! It's so amazing to see the kids' smiles when I hand them a copy of my book, and to hear that some of them have been inspired to write because of me. :') I'm so blessed to get to experience this; God is great beyond understanding!! Thank you so much to those of you who came out to support me, and I hope you enjoy Young Falcon!! :D If you're interested in my book, here's a summary of it, and please let me know if you'd like to purchase one! :)

The daughter of respectable parents and quite comfortable to spend all her life in her quaint hometown of Aseamir, located on the post-modern elven continent of Yaracina, Elysia doesn’t realise exactly how vast and fierce the world is when she agrees to journey to her country’s capitol on a mission for her father. Even before she leaves, she seems to be plagued by misfortunes, and matters only get worse as her journey progresses. She is captured by soldiers and is to be sold to humans, a race thought no longer to exist. She develops an irrevocable mental bond with a man she’s never seen before that is so strong, the two cannot even tell their own thoughts, dreams, wishes, and emotions apart. A strange rock is brought back from Paradis, the land of the dead, and she is commissioned to take it to the governor of one of Yaracina’s southern cities. Danger lurks around every turn, secrets abound, and Elysia is lost amidst the chaos going on about her, confused, alone, and uncertain. But now that she’s begun, things are set in motion that cannot be reversed, no matter how much she wishes it. There’s no going back now…