Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sort of Halfway Finished!!

The reason I say 'sort of' halfway finished is because I'm still writing more pages, which then makes the page count go up and so I'm never really halfway done...but I'd like to declare this as sort of halfway, anyway :D I have reached page 200 out of 413 (which now makes Book Two longer than Book Three... *sigh*) But it's awesome! And here's a small snippet to celebrate me finishing sort of half of Book Two :) Enjoy!

From the chapter 'The Ivalojoki'
I woke when it began to rain. Blinking rapidly a few times to clear the water from my eyes, I groaned and tried to huddle up closer to the tree trunk, but my muscles had grown stiff again during my sleep, making any movement a rather difficult and laborious process. Though the forest canopy provided some shelter from the rain, I ended up getting fairly wet regardless. 
      Drawing my knees slowly up to my chest, I leaned my head against the trunk, longing once again to speak with Lliam. I tried several times to contact him, but he did not once respond to me, to my bitter disappointment. I just needed to hear his voice again! Was that really too much to ask? Where was he, anyway?

      I stared out at the falling rain for a while, not wanting to let myself drift into thoughts of home and of my family, for such memories would surely only make me feel worse, if that was indeed possible. It would only lead to more tears, more heartache, and more sense of failure, nothing productive or purposeful, at any rate. 
     My eyes began to feel heavy as the hours passed, as did my still-aching body. It would take many days for the trauma of my trip through the Ivalojoki to wear off, I knew, and just sitting in one spot for hours on end was not helping. But what else could I do? I had no way to hunt, nor any way to know if any of the plants growing in the small forest around me were edible. I had never even seen most of them, and it would be tempting fate greatly to try any of them. I was hungry and realised that I would soon need food, from whatever source, but I dared not let myself dwell on this fact; right now, there were more important things with which I could be worrying. 
      Leaning my head back against the damp wood of the tree, I forced all unnecessary thoughts from my head and focused on my upcoming trip to find Efroy, which would no doubt take several days, a very painful several days too, I suspected.  All I could do was follow the river back upstream and hope I could recognise the place Roman had trapped us when I got there. If I got there at all. It was morbid of me to think that way, but after everything I had already been through, I would not be surprised one bit if I got waylaid or carried off on some other unwanted adventure along the way. 
     I closed my eyes, weary to my very bones. How had this happened to me? Or, better yet, why had this happened to me? I had never wanted to get caught up in such strange and violent events, much less had such a large role in them. My feeling of failure washed over me anew and, gritting my teeth in internal anguish and frustration, I fought to control my roiling emotions, but it was hard. So many people had been counting on me! 
      Finding it nearly impossible to let go of the battle within, I finally succumbed to sleep once more, completely exhausted and wishing intensely that I could go back in time to when my mother had asked me if I wanted to go to Hartford City so that I could say no.

Questions, suggestions, comments, rumours -- leave me a comment on this post! :) 

Saturday 30 June 2012

Page 182!

Yay! I'm on page 182 (closer to 183, though) and things are going well, if a bit slowly; this section has been giving me a little bit of grief, as I took out what used to be a rather important part of the story and made it...different. Not less important, just important in a different way ;) But I'm nearing the end of the chapter, which will then send me into the next segment of Lliam's story (YES!!), and that should get done fairly quickly. I'm so excited for y'all to read Book Two; it's SO much better than Young Falcon, and the ending will be even more maddening! >:) Haha! Anyway, questions, comments, or suggestion - let me know! :) 

Saturday 9 June 2012


ANOTHER HUGE LEAP FOR YOUNG FALCON ON AMAZON! My book is now ranked #58,172, the highest it's EVER BEEN!! Previous highest rank: #140, 998!! On my Amazon Sales Rank chart, there's less than a centimeter between my ranking and the #1 spot! Guys, thank you SO MUCH for continuing to support me and my book -- y'all are just propelling Book Two further and further towards being printed!! You are amazing fans, and keep doing what you're doing; it's working!! :D :D Praise God, too, for this continued success of my little book! I know #58,172 is not fantastic the grand scheme of things, but hey! It's the highest I've ever gone on the Amazon charts, and hopefully we'll take Young Falcon to the top spot someday! :D   

Thursday 17 May 2012

A Sudden Increase in Amazon Rank

Young Falcon is now ranked #236,101 on Amazon. Yesterday, it was ranked 2,438,399. SOMETHING MAJOR IS HAPPENING! This is its biggest jump yet, and I have a feeling God is behind it... ;) Not only the huge increase of visitors to my blog, but this too? Hmm.... :} So -- it's time for a little marketing! This was a 1,763,899 rank jump for Young Falcon!!!! ♥ If you haven't gotten your copy of Young Falcon yet, check it out on Amazon, B&N, iTunes, or various other online bookstores! You can also download it to your Kindle or Nook!! Remember - THE SPEED OF BOOK TWO'S PUBLISHING IS DEPENDENT ON YOUNG FALCON'S SALES!! If you want to read Book Two, you have to tell people about Young Falcon and spread the word as much as you possibly can! Help me glorify God through my writing and fulfill His purpose for me, and please keep praying for my journey along His path! ♥

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lopti (Some Like It Blue)

Okay, my life just got better. I was on Loki's Facebook fan page (and YES, I am currently an obsessed fangirl) and saw this link for a girl who loves comics and cosplay and LOKI! She has this amazing Loki costume and she dresses up as Loki to take these amazing pictures, which she posts on her Tumblr page. Here are some of my favourite pictures she's done:

Loki fans are amazing, especially this girl!! I LOVE her pictures! :D

Sunday 6 May 2012

The Avengers!

I have been DYING to see Marvel's newest superhero film, The Avengers, and I got to see it on Friday (the day it was released). It was amazing! It was 173 minutes of pure awesomeness!! AHHHHH!!! For those of you who have no idea what it's about, here is a summary:
   Loki (from the 2011 movie Thor, which I also reviewed) is back, and this time, he's got an army and is ready to conquer the Earth. Beginning when he uses an ethereal blue cube called the Tesseract to teleport into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s (an agency committed to protecting the world from extraterrestrial threats) headquarters, he begins to get everything lined up so that he can rule the world as their king. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director, Nick Fury, and his team are nearly blown to bits when Loki effectively destroys their headquarters, and Fury realising that Loki is a serious threat leads him to assemble a group of 'special' people to combat Loki and his alien forces. Enter the Avengers. Consisting of six superheros (four of which have had their own movies), the Avengers are a volatile, self-proclaimed time-bomb that has little chance of overcoming their differences and working together effectively. You have Thor, Loki's older brother and prince of the far-off world of Asgard (who also wants nothing more than to take Loki home); Ironman (Tony Stark), a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist who's about as selfish as they come; Captain America (Steve Rogers), a WWII soldier enhanced by a serum that's turned him into a supersoldier and is about as selfless as they come; the Hulk (Dr. Bruce Banner), who was exposed to gamma radiation and turns into a giant green rage monster when enraged or excited; the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), a Russian spy who is a skilled fighter and gunwoman; and Hawkeye (Cliff Barton), the 'world's greatest markman.' See how this could go downhill pretty quickly? While the Avengers are struggling to work together, Loki's power only grows, and soon the entire world faces total destruction - unless they can somehow manage to work together to fend off Loki's otherworldly forces. 
     The Avengers is packed with breathtaking action, beautiful special effects, hilarious humour, wonderfully refreshing values, excellent characterisations, and a great plot. I give The Avengers 5/5 stars and recommend it to everyone over the age of about 11 (there is some violence and scary creatures, and a few bad words).
    Well done, Marvel. Well done.

Thursday 19 April 2012

It's Almost There!

An update on my package (containing a copy of Young Falcon) that I sent to American Idol contestant Colton Dixon: it's in Los Angeles, CA, and should be delivered tonight! :D Speaking of which, Idol starts in 30 minutes...Whoo-hoo!! I'll let you know when I hear back from him, and pray that the best possible results are obtained from this!! :)

Saturday 14 April 2012

I'm Going to Send Young Falcon to Colton Dixon

So, on American Idol tonight, I saw that some girl sent my favourite contestant, Colton Dixon, a prom invitation, and my mum was like, "Hey, you should send him your book!" She was joking, of course, but I thought that was actually a good idea, so I am, indeed, going to send Colton a copy of Young Falcon. He's a very strong and vocal Christian, and on his Facebook page, he said he's trying to write back to all the letters he's getting, so I thought 'What the heck? Why not?' That'd be SO COOL if he read my book! It'd be pretty sweet if he, you know, mentioned it on his Facebook page or Twitter page, too ;) I'll leave it up to God as to the response from Colton. Wish me luck! :D

Friday 23 March 2012

Approaching Events

This weekend, I am attending the Readers' and Writers' Round Table event in Salado, TX, and I get to make a 5-10 minute speech about Young Falcon and sign books. Yay! I'm not so excited about the speech, especially since I'm going first, but personally, I love signing books :D There are going to be 9 other authors there, including two other sci-fi/fantasy writers. One of those is Elizabeth Moon, who has written lots of books and won awards and all that. I think she writes high fantasy, which are the fantasy stories that have all the weird names with apostrophes and plots that are extremely confusing and strange, so it'll be interesting to meet her. I don't know who the other fantasy author is...but I think her name's Karen. Anyway, I'll be sure to follow up with all the details of this event :)
    And then my school is having a book fair next week, so my mum is going to man a table where kids can order Young Falcon and give her the money. I seriously hope I can somehow get out of class to help her o.O And hopefully, I'll sell quite a few at these events! I think we're...sort of nearing half-way on making up what we spent on printing the books, so that's good. Please, please, please keep praying for the success of Young Falcon and that all of these upcoming events will go well! I really appreciate all the support y'all have been giving me; it's fantastic to have friends like y'all!!
    Also, congrats to PG13 for reaching 100 pages on her book!! So proud of you; keep it up!! :D

Saturday 3 March 2012

Book Four is Well Under Way

I'm currently on page 59 of Book Four, and it's going swimmingly :} I'm really loving this one so far; it's by far my best work (except for a few parts in Book Three which I'm quite fond of) and so I think it will be the most intense book to date. Big things are definitely going to happen in this book, and while the pace is a bit slow, it's certainly not lacking in important content. One of the twins even gets his first kiss in Book Four, and I'm REALLY looking forward to that :D Of course, that's a lighter moment ... one of the few. This book is, like I said, far more intense (and darker) than the previous three. Fun stuuuuufff!!!! :D I can't wait for y'all to read it! 
    Hope you had a great weekend, and hope your week is spectacular! :}

BCA Book Signing = Success!

I had a book signing/interview at the school that shares my church campus, and I sold 35 books! It was a ton of fun, even though I'm completely exhausted and will probably sleep until, like, 10:00 tomorrow ;) I got to leave school during 4th period today, and my mom and I ate at Wendy's and then drove to my church. I signed 19 books (which had been pre-ordered and therefore got special treatment ;) ) while we waited for the interview to start at 2. Then Polly, the school's librarian, took me into this large room where the kindergarten-4th graders were waiting. She introduced me and asked me questions such as:

- Do you like spelling and grammar? (and, Do you think it's imporant?)
- What was your favourite book as a kid?/Who is your favourite author?
- How long did it take to get published?
- How did you come up with the idea for the story?
- Is this the first book you've ever written?
- How many books are going to be in this series?

and other such questions. After 30 minutes of us talking, the little kids asked me questions, then I went outside and sighed books, then came back in and repeated the process with the 5th-7th graders, which had slightly different questions, as they're older. I signed more books after that, and then did a third interview with some parents who had home-schooled kids ... And then finally, at about 4:45, got to go home. Whew. Fun (and tiring) stuff. I'm so glad I got to do this, though; it was a wonderful experience, and I'm so thankful God allowed so many books to be sold!
    Have a great weekend, y'all!!!! :D