Friday 4 February 2011


So, today it snowed. I was lying in bed at like 5 in the morning, dreading having to go to school, but then I fell back asleep and woke back up and like 7. My first thought was that maybe school had been delayed for 2 hours. But then I went and looked outside and the ground was COVERED in snow; you could barely even see the grass! So when Dad woke up, like an hour later, we put on our coats and trekked to the highway (our snow day tradition) and I made all of these epic footprints in the fresh, white, sparkly snow (and YES, snow is sparkly!) Then we took lossa pictures and are currently building a fire to go along with our 2011 snow day.

It was an epically a-mazing day :)


  1. I was dreading school, too, at five in the morning...

  2. I woke up at 6, looked at the clock, looked outside, and went back to sleep.
