I am in PAIN. I went to an orthodontist appointment I didn't know I had after school. I had no idea one's teeth could hurt so much! First, they took the wires off, which requires giant tweezers coming within centimetres of the inside of my cheek, and then pulling the sharp wire out of my mouth and scraping my lip with the SHARP edges (ow...). Then, the brilliant nurse-lady tried to put on a bigger wire that she couldn't get in my mouth. And she pushed and pushed and pushed, applying all her strength on the tweezers which were right on my teeth. So she calls over Dr. St. Louis, who also pushes and pushes and pushes. He finally gets it, with many an "ow" and a silent "THAT HURTS!!!!" from me. Then he realises, Oh, hmm. That wire might be too big! REALLY?!?!? So they try to take it out, and it gets stuck because it's too tight. *sigh* So nurse-lady pulls and pulls and pulls. She can't get it out. So Dr. St. Louis comes over again, and pulls and pulls and pulls. It takes a long time for him to get it out. So then...they put back on the wire I had originally, saying, "Well, maybe we'll just keep this one after all; I think the other one was too big."
A round of applause to our orthopedic team, please. Oi.