Ok, so yesterday, Nikki, Jestar, Snickerz, and I went to see Clash of the Titans in the Town of Tinsel, and it was...AMAZING!!!! The CGI was really good, and so was the plotline and the characters were very strong. It was a great movie, all in all. The only thing that bothered me was that the main character, Perseus, had hair that was tooooooo short!!! I mean, who back in those days had a buzz cut??? All the other guys had looooong hair that had to be braided and tied back and whatnot, but Perseus just got to have a buzz cut. And also, they changed the story ALOT from the book, but I actually really liked the changes. They made it have better cinematic quality. :D And what was cool was that Io, Perseus' guardian died but got to come back to life at the end as a thank-you from Zeus, Perseus' father. I thought the Mount Olympus set was really cool, cause it had lots of airy, light buildings that made you think of the sky and clouds and stuff. :) And there was this circular thing on the floor of Olympus that was like a 3D picture of the earth and they walked over it and I imagined all the little people on it screaming and getting squished! :D Hades was creepy too, cause he had this hoarse, scratchy voice that was kinda pianful to listen to...and Nikki's favourite - the Pegasus. I thought the wings and aerial shots of the Pegasus were REALLY good!!! They actually looked like real wings! So yes, Sam, Clash of the Titans squashed How to Train Your Dragon. Into the ground. And then suffocated it. And then threw it into the sea and it died twice. And then it kicked Dragon to the fiery pits of Hades. Have a nice day! ;)
:D :D :D :D Yes the movie twas awesome!!! The buzz cut didn't really bother me that much, but I did notice the really very long hair thing so don't worry. ;) I didn't know it was a book either... very interesting! :O Mount Olympus was amazing!! :D :D I liked it very much so. Hades was really good for the vilain... but I don't like people beating up on Hades, making him the evil one in alot of stories, and just because he's the God of the Underworld! :'( ;) I likes him very mucho grande.(complements of my brother ;) ) Poor How to Train Your Dragon. It lost. Big time. :D ;)