Saturday, 21 August 2010
Our Book of Years
Well, during P.E. yesterday, we got our new yearbooks! Yay! :) And they were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO epically better than last year's!!!! Whew! Those were just...painful to look at. And we had a yearbook-signing-part, which awesome, cause I got to see all my little eighth-graders (no offence intended to you eighth graders) and Jestar! Jestar even signed my yearbook :D And Sam found seven mini-Jestars in the yearbook! Hahahahahahahaha, poor Jestar....;) But Sam only has two mini-Sams. And I only have...three or four mini-Skandars. But anyway! Our new Book of Years are awesome :)
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Hamilton Pool

Today the G's (Nikki's family) called me at about 8:30 a.m. and Miss Priss said, "Hey, you want to go to Hamilton Springs with us?" and I said, "Sure", so they picked me up and we drove for about twenty minutes out into the country near my house and got stuck behind these gigantic mobile houses that took up the whole road. Bleh. But after about ten minutes, they turned and we were free to drive faster. We got to the parking lot a little bit later and unpacked and began the long, arduous trek down to the springs. Miss Priss and I carried the cooler down the trail, which was kinda hard, cause the steps were made entirely of natural stone and we went through a dry creek bed and down some very steep inclines. But we eventually got to a flatter part of the trail, and to our left was a beautiful pale green river flowing through these trees that looked totally fake cause their roots were white, but they were real. And epically cool. I'll put pics up when I get them from Mrs. G. And this poor nature-preserve guy came along, lugging this massive ice-chest on his shoulders, so we let the poor fellow pass (he had already been up and down the 1/4-mile trail)We walked for another little ways with these huge cliffs towering over us, looking like they could fall off onto our heads at any moment, and then we crossed a little wooden bridge and came to the springs. I don't think I've ever seen a place on Earth so cool and beautiful as this! It was SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOO gorgeous!!!! It was like something from a fantasy world or something (and I intend to put it in my book)! Nikki, Jewelea, Pressy, and I jumped into the water and were not aware of how cold spring-fed waters are. It was FA-REEZING! But it felt really good, cause it was hot outside (duh). There's a ring of rocks behind the water (as shown in pic-a-tures) and a path behind them, and Miss Priss couldn't swim today, so she went and sat up on the rocks and watched us for a while. There's a rock on the far side of the pool that a waterfall falls down onto and you can climb on it and stand under the waterfall and jump from it, so we did that a few times, which was a-mazing! :D We only got to stay for two hours though *epic sad face* but I'm super glad we did, cause now I have great inspiration for a place in my book!!! :)
Friday, 13 August 2010
Tonight we went to eat at Bob Evan's, just down the road from Liberty and we all went in our red minivan that we rented. My grandma had some serious trouble getting the automatic sliding door open and closed :) Brother's new roomate Samm came with us; he's from California. And he's VERY quiet. But probably not more so than your Brother, Sam ;) And then it started raining, which made Wade scared, cause she hates rain and thunder. But luckily it was only a light drizzle. We leave tomorrow at one, drive for two hours, and get on a plane at five, and get back around eleven. *sigh* it' gonna be another looooooooooong day ;)
Skandie Would Just Like to Post These For Her Own Enjoyment =)
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Greetings From Virgina!!!

Greetings, all my friends, from Virgina!! Yes, I know most of you didn't know I was flying to Virgina, but here I am. :) This morning we woke up at 3 (bleh) and got to the airport at 4:30. There are crickets EVERYWHERE!!! at the airport!! When we went through security, Dad had to give up his pocketknife cause he'd forgotten he had at and was sad cause Brother gave it to him :( Then we waited for an hour and I took some pic-a-tures which I may post later. Then we got on the plane and flew at dawn (which was GORGEOUS outside the windows cause the sky was all pink and the clouds were wispy and fluffy) for two hours until we got to Nashville. Here, I bought a keychain :) Then we flew for an hour and twenty-five minutes to Raleigh, NC. And what was I doing this whole time, you ask? Reading Robinson Crusoe. Again. And taking pictures of clouds outside the plane :) After leaving Raleigh, we rented this awesome red minivan and drove for two hours through all these HUGE, skinny pine trees (like the Lost Pines in Tejas) and that was really pretty. But Wade and I fell asleep cause we were so darned tired ;) Finally, we arrived at the hotel, which is literally across the highway from Liberty and right next to Brother's dorm. We went to Olive Garden and ate salad and breadsticks and then walked around barefoot on Liberty's new football fields. And here I am now, at 9:39, writing about my time in Virginia. Farewell, Texans!! :)
Monday, 9 August 2010
Skandar have you posted?
On my dashboard it says that you posted yesterday, but I don't see must solve this mystery...
Wednesday, 4 August 2010

My dad printed out a screen copy of my book today, but...1) the fancy font didn't work ( :( ) and 2) the table of contents, title page, and first page somehow got all smooshed together. And the pages are one-sided. So! I'm gonna be reprinting it soon :D And we have to get it copyrighted before we distribute it to my screeners (sorry screeners!) may be a few days before I get you your screen copy *epic wail*
Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Hey, Sam, I was looking at LuLu for the self-publishing, seems kinda cool. You get way more control over everything (like your cover, book name, book binding...) and you get 80% of your revenue (but I don't really care too much about that). So...what do you guys think? Self-publish and keep it on a nice, small level and have way more control? Or actually publish and have it cost a lot more, less control, and probably not near as much revenue? Cause I have an idea for the cover I really love and idk if they would even let me suggest it if it was really published....Ask your dad and see what he thinks, Sam.
Monday, 2 August 2010
WE FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAST NIGHT AT, LIKE, 9 O'CLOCK, MUM FINISHED EDITING MY BOOK - except for the ending; we're not totally sure about that yet...- BUT WE FINISHED!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! *skandar starts dancing randomly* SO NOW...MISS PRISS, INVISI, AND ANNASOPHIE ARE GONNA SCREEN MY BOOK AS SOON AS I CAN MAIL THEM COPIES AND THEY'RE GONNA GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!! (please be honest, guys; if you don't like something, tell me please!) YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! SKANDIE IS SO FREAKIN' EXCITED!!!!!!
Good day to you all. :D
Good day to you all. :D
Sunday, 1 August 2010
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