Monday, 16 August 2010

Hamilton Pool

Today the G's (Nikki's family) called me at about 8:30 a.m. and Miss Priss said, "Hey, you want to go to Hamilton Springs with us?" and I said, "Sure", so they picked me up and we drove for about twenty minutes out into the country near my house and got stuck behind these gigantic mobile houses that took up the whole road. Bleh. But after about ten minutes, they turned and we were free to drive faster. We got to the parking lot a little bit later and unpacked and began the long, arduous trek down to the springs. Miss Priss and I carried the cooler down the trail, which was kinda hard, cause the steps were made entirely of natural stone and we went through a dry creek bed and down some very steep inclines. But we eventually got to a flatter part of the trail, and to our left was a beautiful pale green river flowing through these trees that looked totally fake cause their roots were white, but they were real. And epically cool. I'll put pics up when I get them from Mrs. G. And this poor nature-preserve guy came along, lugging this massive ice-chest on his shoulders, so we let the poor fellow pass (he had already been up and down the 1/4-mile trail)We walked for another little ways with these huge cliffs towering over us, looking like they could fall off onto our heads at any moment, and then we crossed a little wooden bridge and came to the springs. I don't think I've ever seen a place on Earth so cool and beautiful as this! It was SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOO gorgeous!!!! It was like something from a fantasy world or something (and I intend to put it in my book)! Nikki, Jewelea, Pressy, and I jumped into the water and were not aware of how cold spring-fed waters are. It was FA-REEZING! But it felt really good, cause it was hot outside (duh). There's a ring of rocks behind the water (as shown in pic-a-tures) and a path behind them, and Miss Priss couldn't swim today, so she went and sat up on the rocks and watched us for a while. There's a rock on the far side of the pool that a waterfall falls down onto and you can climb on it and stand under the waterfall and jump from it, so we did that a few times, which was a-mazing! :D We only got to stay for two hours though *epic sad face* but I'm super glad we did, cause now I have great inspiration for a place in my book!!! :)

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