Thursday, 16 December 2010

Finals! *shriek*

Ah, yes. Finals. The most horrendous time of the year :) Thankfully, however, little Skkandie was able to exempt bio, so that really saved a lot of my brain being fried. However, math killed my brain o.O Epically. But I think I did ok, which could be either good or bad.....Oh! TwilightLover, Sam, and I spent our free-time after WH today doodling on a Bubble Man! Remember him, Invisi? Sam: 'Where did you go, you silly rabbit?' 'I'm a killer, Bella' *Alice clutches her stomach and falls into the rabbit hole dramatically* Hehehehhe :) Finals were actually kinda not too bad this year. Just 2 more to go AND THEN I GET TO GO SEE TRON AND I'M SO EXCITED BECAUSE IT HAS GARRETT HEDLUND AND HE'S AMAZING! ok, I'm good....:)

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