Tuesday 8 December 2009


I'm so tired of school. At the beginning of the year, I hated it too, because one of my closest friends left my school and I was terribly depressed about it until about September. Then, slowly, I began to like school again and come to enjoy it, instead of dreading it each day as I once had. But now, one of my other old friends Zebra has come back, and I don't want her there. She just complicated my life and threw my fragile peace with life out of whack, and she can't understand that I don't want to hang out with her. So...


  1. who left? but i can see y u dont like zebra, u 2 r VERY different...

  2. my friend daniel gardner. we were best friends in 5th & 7th grade. people in my grade would make fun of him and call him gay and stupid :(

  3. i didn't..i dont think. if i did i am muchos sorry!
