Wednesday 12 May 2010


Greetings, my fellow students and inhabitors of this Earth! So, Annasophie and I were discussing this idea in art, and I want to know what you all think of it: Who wants to come with me and my mom for an all day expedition to Salado sometime soon (in the summer)?? We would possibly go tubing on the creek (if the water's high enough) and most definitely swim in int anyway, and then we could just walk around and visit all the very interesting shops and places around Salado. This is very fun; I have done 4 times now. :D So if you are interested in doing this all-day Salado trip, let me know, and I'll get together a date and carpooling arrangements and stuff!


  1. YAY! I am VERY excited. So... who all do you have in mind of coming?

  2. Jestar shall see if he can!

  3. Annasophie, who's probably coming is: Sam, Invisi, Jestar, Snickerz, Jazz, Nikki, and me, obviously. ;)

  4. This is the 'Dream Place' pic-a-ture!! :D
