OK! If you are reading this, then you are most likely going to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid with us on Friday after school! If not...you failed. Epically. So if you ARE going, we're going to the 4:50 showing of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and yes, I shall be going too, because only Nikki and I wanted to go see Clash of the Titans *sad face*. So! Here are the car arrangements: Sam, Invisi, Jazzy, Jestar, and I shall be going with my mom, since they are the original group intended to go. All others (i.e. Snickerz, Annasophie, Nikki, etc.) shall be going with Brother Cammack (if he consents). If you are NOT able to go, please tell me. Have an amazing week, fellow Wood of Brent Earthlings! :D
Um..problem. Big Brother is not allowed to drive anybody beside me..according to my mom. She says that all ya'll's parents won't let him drive you...