Monday, 12 April 2010


Ok, ladies and gentleman, it is getting very close to time for the SECOND Ultimate Bunny cage fight! Already, you say? Why yes, I am working on it right now! And who is fighting who, you might ask? Well, due to some...interesting story ideas *coughinvisicough*, I have decided to move the match between the Terminator and Justin Bieber to the NEXT fight, after this one. So who's fighting who in this match? Here is your formal invitation!:

Who?: Edward Cullen (the pixie) vs. Jestar the Deranged Woodland Pixie
What?: Exactly
When?: As soon as I get it posted!
Where?: Neverland
Why?:'s the bunny fights, der!

Good luck finding pictures of this, me...


  1. Jestar the Deranged Woodland Pixie???? I do not think I yam a deranged woodland pixie... *looks around at himself*

  2. I beg to differ Mr. Pixi
