Wednesday, 8 June 2011

I Yam Now A Soph-o-more

Is this fact scary to anyone else? 'Cause it is to me! It seems like just yesterday that it was my first day of school at the Woods and that Sam attacked me... *reminisces* Of course, now I've got a whole lot of friends that attack me sometimes, such as TwilightLover, Mollipop, and Sam (still)...and occasionally Snickerz. But I mean, WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?? How have all my friends grown up so fast? It seems like you freshman were just our little seventh graders a few days ago, doesn't it? o.O This year went by sooo fast, and it was my favourite year at the Woods so far; it was so fun and we had such fantastic people and such great - and crazy - friends...Best year ever!! I'm kinda sad to be leaving freshman year, but I think sophomore year will be awesome too - hopefully, it will be awesome-er! I'm really sad to see some kids leave, like you, Annasophie, but like I've said, it's not like we'll never see you again. Just less frequently. Y'all will always be a part of the Dysfunctional Family - whether you like it or not! >:D So I'm really excited for sophomore year...mostly because I get to be in theatre production and I'll get to go to all the play practises!! YESSSSS!!!!! :D :D I LOVE play practises! 
    Haha, Skandie out! *salutes*


  1. It's funny...I thought freshman year was a complete bust, and you thought it was the best year ever...

  2. Yep, we are very different people, Sammie! ;)
