Sunday, 12 June 2011


  Every time someone asks me, "Oh, you've written a book? What's it about?", my mind goes blank and I just kinda go, " know...It's complicated..."
      Yeah, not exactly the most exciting blurb ever. 
      So since my book's gonna be published soon, Mum decided that I needed to be able to tell people what my book is about and answer any questions they have...intelligently. As much as I like writing, that's how much I hate talking...sometimes ;)
      So! I recorded myself answering such questions as 'What's your book about?' and 'How'd you come up with these ideas' and general stuff like that, and then I go back and listen to it so that I can hear myself saying it and get used to what I'm supposed to say (I read from a script). And so's worked! Now anytime someone asks me what my book is about, I can actually tell them! And it's SOOOO helpful! *tips hat to Mum*
      Just listening to what I'm supposed to say has really helped me, and I'm glad that I can now explain my book to potential readers, because otherwise, with my "Um, it's complicated,' answer, I'm sure I would turn away more people than I would intrigue!
       Thanks to my wise Mum; she knew what she was talking about! (Not that I'm surprised or anything... ;) )


  1. So Skandar, what's your book about? :P

  2. Well, then, I'll be hilarious, too.
    So, Skandar, what's your book about?
