Friday, 24 June 2011

Introducing...My Blog!

Since February, I've been posting on a different blog about my publishing journey, and I decided that it was time to unveil my book blog to the world ;) It's basically me keeping a journal of all that's been going on with the publishing process, as well as some other unrelated things that have happened to me this year. It's just a way to keep up with what's going on with my books, and I intend to keep posting on it all the way through, so it'll give you my thoughts and opinions about all this craziness :) It also gives you a summary of my book (which will probably end up on the back of the book), some pictures of my characters, and a blurb about me. Please visit and follow my blog! I would so love for y'all to share this trip with me! To visit 'Sons and Daughters', please click here, or type this address into your address bar: Can't wait to hear from you!! 
    P.S. I'm going to be getting my own website in a month or two, so I might just transfer everything onto there, but I'll let you know soon. :)

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